Saturday 16 June 2012

Fifth... Broken up paragraph...

One day, Alma came up here with newspapers and showed me pictures of his body hanging off a tree in the woods; it took weeks for his body to be discovered. As she furiously spoke about the hell she hopes that monster is in, I sat frozen, my ribcage tightening around my lungs, prohibiting air to enter my deflated organs; my eyes burned but no tears came out…

Alma went on “He could have had info that would bring those bastards to court at least.” …

I believe that’s what hell feels like – spiritual, invisible flames burning through every atom of our immortal selves. Those flames are so much more powerful than fire; I checked. And there is no respite – no water, no ashes, nothing that can bring down the scorching. Alexander was stupid to take it so lightly. The pathetic being was as stupid about death as he was about life.

I’ve often wondered if I should tell Alma the truth; she longed for answers her whole life and perhaps it would have given her some solace, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t lose her. Instead I prayed for her every day, all the time; for her and all those like her. I prayed for them more than I prayed for…

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